Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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The City Council approves the project and the tender for the dismantling, storage and conservation works of the Floridablanca Balnerario (16/05/2018)

The Governing Board has approved the project of the first phase of the rehabilitation and musealization of the Floridablanca Spa, which will consist in its disassembly, as well as the cataloging and conservation of the parts susceptible to reuse.

The Local Government Board of the City of San Pedro del Pinatar has today approved the project for the first phase of the works for the rehabilitation and musealization of the Floridablanca Spa, corresponding to the disassembly, storage and conservation, written by the San Juan Arquitectura studio.

This phase has a maximum budget of 272,050 euros and the deadline for execution of the work is one month, from the day following the signing of the stake out report.

Thus, the announcement of bidding will be published in the profile of the contractor of the City Council so that, within a period of 13 calendar days, the interested parties can present their bids for the execution of said works.

The mayor of San Pedro del Pinatar, Visitación Martínez, pointed out that this agreement represents a very important step in the definitive solution of the Floridablanca spa "an iconic building in which this government team has worked uninterruptedly for seven years, looking for always ways to its value, "he added.

Visitación Martínez has indicated that in parallel procedures continue with the General Directorate of State Costs for the modification of the concession, compatibility of uses and displacement of the spa.

The objective of the works in this first phase is "to protect and protect the parts of the building that can still be saved, as a transitory measure".

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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