Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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The City Council of San Pedro del Pinatar takes measures to curb the impact of infections (27/10/2020)

| Given the significant escalation of infections by Covid 19 in recent weeks, from the Consistory they appeal to the responsibility of Pinatarense society in strict compliance with sanitary measures to contain the virus | Following the new measures decreed by the Governing Council of the Region of Murcia, in order to halt the advance of the pandemic and, coinciding with the approval of the State of Alarm by the Central Government, the Government Team of the City of San Pedro del Pinatar has established the following guidelines in municipal activities and facilities, to reduce the impact of the coronavirus in the municipality on a temporary and exceptional basis until November 9.

These measures may be extended or modulated depending on the evolution of the epidemic.In Education, the courses of the Popular University will be carried out electronically and the conciliation services, the morning classroom, is maintained with a limitation of 50% of its capacity.Likewise, the day centers for elderly people whose users will receive the service through telephone, telematic and / or face-to-face care at home will remain closed.

All social centers will remain closed, the provision of podiatry and hairdressing services being suspended.In the weekly markets, it will not be possible to exceed 75% of the authorized positions.Guided tours organized by the Department of Tourism for the Salinas y Arenales Regional Park of San Pedro del Pinatar, are limited to a maximum of 15 people.Regarding culture, outdoor activities are held at 50% of its capacity and the museum and municipal libraries of San Pedro and Lo Pagán will also have a permitted capacity of 50%.The measures adopted maintain the closure of the Associations Hotel and the closure of the playgrounds in the parks is stipulated.The standard allows individual sports practice in the open air, respecting the general distance measures of interpersonal safety, protection and hygiene.Regarding the municipal sports offer, according to the norm, municipal sports schools and extra-school sports activities for minors are suspended, while in the case of the offer for adults, such as Maintenance Gymnastics, Toning, etc., They will be taught outdoors and / or online, and when this is not possible, inside covered premises, in accordance with the provisions of the capacity restrictions and hygienic sanitary conditions.Regarding the federative activity, it is limited to training sessions for both those under 18 years of age and for adults, including the mandatory use of a surgical mask and the temporary suspension of competition at the regional level.As for authorized sports competitions or events held in sports facilities, they may be held with the public as long as they remain seated and keeping the proper interpersonal safety distance, with a maximum occupancy limit of fifty percent of the capacity.The curfew is already in force from eleven at night to six in the morning, social contacts outside the stable cohabitation group are limited to a maximum of 6 non-cohabiting people, the use of a mask is mandatory and due to the high number of contagions, it is necessary to strictly respect the sanitary recommendations.In addition, in general terms, the capacity inside bars and restaurants is reduced to 30%, so the expansion of terraces will be favored whenever possible.

In shops, sports facilities, cinemas and theaters the capacity will be 50%.The City Council reinforces police surveillance to comply with sanitary regulations, use of a mask and social distance, etc.

and continues with disinfection and sanitation work to minimize the spread of COVID-19 throughout the municipality, with special emphasis on the areas of greater affluence and risk and places electronic administration at the service of the citizen to carry out many procedures with the administration through the City Council website.The mayor of San Pedro del Pinatar, Visitación Martínez, has shown her support for the sectors most affected by these measures.

In addition, he recalled the commendable work carried out by Social Services to help the most vulnerable families and wanted to convey a message of encouragement to neighbors who are ill, who have a relative in the hospital, and also to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one and appeals to citizen responsibility to stop contagion.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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