Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


437,000 euros for a new diversion of treated water from the wastewater treatment plant San Pedro del Pinatar to the desalination of El Mojon (07/09/2016)

The Governing Council has approved a proposal from the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment, allocate 437,000 euros, charged to the budgets of the Regional Entity of Sanitation (Esamur), for a new output line to improve reuse of reclaimed water from the industrial water treatment plant (WWTP) of San Pedro del Pinatar.

Specifically, the Ministry has drawn up a technical project to carry out the work necessary to connect the Edar San Pedro del Pinatar with the desalination of El Mojon.

The realization of this project will allow the use of this water for irrigation, one of the measures promoted by the regional government to make available water resources due to the situation in the region and in particular the Campo de Cartagena.

The treated water from the wastewater treatment plant San Pedro del Pinatar made available to irrigators Community Campo de Cartagena a total of 2.7 cubic hectometres, which are covered will station in a year.

The planned implementation period is three months.

Source: CARM

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