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Local Police trained schoolchildren on the risks of using the internet and social networks (07/02/2017)

The councils of Education and Local Police organize each course since 2012 talks aimed at informing students in sixth grade and high school on risks such as cyberbullying or sexting.

The police officer Tutor, who works with the educational community of San Pedro del Pinatar in the development of different socio-pharmacological actions in the areas of road education, civic education or internet use, has for many years held talks and specific actions aimed at prevention Of cyberbullying.

In the International Safe Internet Day, celebrated today, February 7, the Councilor for New Technologies, Álvaro Tárraga, highlighted the work of the Local Police through these actions aimed at combating new threats such as cyberbullying or Sexting.

In addition, he recalled that in the local institutes the Local Police also has an anonymous mailbox so that any student can report or alert about cases of harassment in any of its aspects.

He also insisted on the need to promote a responsible use of the internet and social networks, a task that should involve families and the entire educational community.

He recalled that, from the City Council, in the last plenary session, a joint motion was approved by all political groups to promote security in the use of the internet, supporting the actions developed by the Local Police and seeking consensus on new ways of working.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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