Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar



Last Saturday, February 4, coinciding with World Cancer Day, the ADAPT Association provided an economic contribution to the local board of AECC and MABS Mar Menor, associations that work both to promote research and support the Families suffering from this disease.

ADAPT President Janet Pierce and the Charity Activities Coordinator Celia Drinkall made contributions of 500 euros to the president of the local AECC board, Hilario Tárraga, and to the area coordinator of MABS, Janet Bell.

In the coming days, they will also be giving a donation with the same amount to the Association of Relatives of Children with Cancer of the Region, AFACMUR.

The association ADAPT, which carries out various charitable actions throughout the year, decided in 2016 that all proceeds for that year should go to these three associations committed to the fight against cancer.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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