Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


The Plaza of the Constitution is filled with Carnival thanks to the smallest (25/02/2017)

The children have today been the protagonists of Carnival Pinatarense, with a children's party that has begun this morning and in which dozens of children have climbed the catwalk to exhibit their original costumes, where they have received a small gift for their participation.

Later on, the morning has been enlivened by the musical "Viva el Carnaval", which has featured characters very dear to the youngest, such as Minions, Mickey Mouse or friends of the Dog Patrol, among others.

The party continued this afternoon, starting at 16:00 hours, with a park of inflatables and masks, pintacaras and handicrafts workshops.

The events continue tomorrow, starting at 5:00 p.m., with the great carnival parade, which leaves the parking lot next to the Countess Villar de Felices park and in which a score of comparsas participate, the tour will finish in the municipal carp , Installed in the esplanade of Lo Pagán, where awards will be given to the best comparsas.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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