Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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Yllana proposed in San Javier a fun adventure through the jungle with his "Zoo" (05/07/2012)

The Madrid company represents in San Javier this show that in 2010 won the award for best children's show Max and the quirky and fun four explorers begin an adventure in the depths of the jungle

The park hosts the Customs Friday, July 6 from 22:00 hours, the theatrical Zoo, run by the company Yllana, in which some intrepid explorers face crazy crazy adventures in the depths of the jungle.

The plot of the play begins in a seemingly idyllic environment, in which four intrepid explorers will attempt to capture an exotic endangered animals to the zoo in a big city.

However, the jungle animals are displayed hostile to the visit of these unexpected visitors who try to make life impossible.

Yllana theater company was born as a gesture of humor more than twenty years, a career full of successes with outstanding performances as Moo!, Glub Glub, strar Trip, Best Monty Python Sketches, Pagagnini and Zoo, which are shown scenarios over 30 countries.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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