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Opinion cuts IPRs (15/07/2012)

The cuts announced on Day 11 July by the Prime Minister for most citizens have caused real dismay in practically all citizens, since they represent another major step backwards in the welfare state that makes it so we thought he was untouchable only a few years.

It seems that the letter published that day by the PP of San Javier, criticizing the recent back and DPi UPyD motion which urged the government team not to collect extra pay in June and not charge a month members of the opposition has been taken, therefore curiously published while Rajoy announced the cancellation of the Christmas bonus paid to all officials, and suggests a reduction in the number of politicians and salaries of these, which seems more in Murcia accelerated salary cuts and elimination of bonus politicians and officials, yesterday published July 14 in the newspaper La Verdad.

In the discussion of that motion and the subsequent press releases, we crossed the proponents of demagogues and seeking cheap votes despite the remoteness of the election, and by the government team stressed the right of those Politics as Vocation exercise to collect what is provided, regardless of the serious situation faced by many families, and of course Spain in general and that unfortunately seems to be increasing.

Perhaps, following recent events and decisions taken by the Spanish President, who is in turn the PP, it would not hurt to know the opinion of the government team of San Javier on the Motion, as the suspension of the future bonuses to senior officials and is fully in line with what we proposed from San Javier UPyD and DPI.

Since DPI do not doubt that the cuts are an imposition of European impositions that are greater as we need more aid, without ruling, as advertised, a rescue for Spain in the making.

As in many other issues, is the one who gives or takes away time reasons, and this time from DPi regret to have hit again.

After the new developments we just like to know the opinion of our local rulers on whether or not cut salaries, and give up part of their salaries as proposed in our motion, which had the opportunity to be first in Spain to do for own something that will now have to do for TAXATION

Source: Democracia Pinatarense

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