Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


Township School repopulate the town hall square with Aleppo pines (25/01/2013)

A total of eight schools in San Javier participated today in Aleppo pine plantation five Luis Molina in the square, across from City Hall.

This activity, organized by the Department of Parks and Gardens, aims to repopulate the town hall square, after the last August, the wind forced to remove some of the pines located here.

The mayor, Visitation Martinez, stressed that the objective of this activity is to sensitize younger about the importance of conserving the environment and preserving our environment.

Meanwhile, Councilman Parks and Gardens, Jerome Moya, explained that it has chosen the pine for tradition and roots of this variety in the town, and added that the City Council, will promote more performances of this type to contribute to the continued presence of this tree, which gives its name to the municipality.

After planting has discovered a plaque with the names of all the participating schools, such as Los Pinos, Maspalomas, Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Villa Alegria, Los Antolinos, Child Number 1, hopes and Castelar College.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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