Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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San Pedro del Pinatar News - January 2021

detail of San Pedro del Pinatar
  • [El Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar renueva parte del alumbrado público con luminarias led (29/01/2021)

  • [Los usuarios y el personal del Servicio de Centro de Día para mayores dependientes se vacunan contra el Covid-19 (28/01/2021)

  • [Bienestar Social promueve espacios libres de humo (27/01/2021)

  • [The Department of Commerce launches the campaign "Our Commerce Fall in Love" (26/01/2021)

  • [The Department of Social Welfare and the Mikaseda association organize the workshop "Design your fantasy" (25/01/2021)

  • [Police controls continue to verify compliance with security measures against Covid (25/01/2021)

  • [The Department of Commerce presents the calendar of campaigns and trade fairs (21/01/2021)

  • [San Pedro del Pinatar creates a team of trackers (21/01/2021)

  • [City Council and Obra Social La Caixa allocate 25,500 euros to associations for social and health assistance (19/01/2021)

  • [The City Council reinforces the cleaning and disinfection of public spaces against the Coronavirus (18/01/2021)

  • [The City Council of San Pedro del Pinatar reinforces measures to curb the impact of infections (18/01/2021)

  • [Ecologists in Action presents allegations to the Hotel Pinatar Arena (12/01/2021)

  • [Cool Kids wins the Christmas window contest (12/01/2021)

  • [Given the large increase in infections, the mayor appeals to maximum compliance with the rules (12/01/2021)

  • [The Royal Pages distribute illusion of almost a thousand children from Pinar del Río (05/01/2021)

  • [The Three Wise Men will reach all homes through Social Networks and television (04/01/2021)

  • [San Pedro del Pinatar, closed on the perimeter since Wednesday, January 6 (04/01/2021)


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