Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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San Pedro del Pinatar News - July 2012

detail of San Pedro del Pinatar
  • San Javier works to promote health tourism as a key sector of the seasonal (27/07/2012)

  • The blue flags waving on the beach of La Puntica and Marina de Las Salinas (25/07/2012)

  • Success of students in PCPI in the entrance exams to middle level vocational training (24/07/2012)

  • New UPyD joint motion and DPi (24/07/2012)

  • Mar Menor Young artists present their first job in the Leisure and Arts Emerging (19/07/2012)

  • DPI is pleased to congratulate the Town Planning, Ms. Angela Gaona (19/07/2012)
    by performing a skit in the C / Emilio Castelar
  • The Civil Guard detained two people for robbery and receiving stolen effects (17/07/2012)
    He snatched the victim was carrying jewelry by flip
  • True and fishermen honor the "Star of the Sea" in a procession by land and sea (16/07/2012)

  • Opinion cuts IPRs (15/07/2012)
    "The cuts announced on Day 11 July by the Prime Minister for most citizens have caused real dismay in practically all citizens"
  • The band of the General Air Academy gave a concert in honor of the Virgen del Carmen (15/07/2012)

  • More than 1.2 million for 115 places in day center for people with intellectual disabilities in San Javier (13/07/2012)

  • Tourism offers physiotherapy therapeutic exercise program at sea on the beach of La Mota (11/07/2012)
    free program of therapeutic exercise takes place every Tuesday and Thursday of the months of July and August from 17:30 to 18:30
  • The People's Party San Javier report "sensationalism in the opposition" (11/07/2012)

  • Arrested responsible for a wave of thefts inside vehicles, in San Javier (11/07/2012)
    The moons fractured stopped vehicles for accessing interior
  • UPyD complaint that "the PP UPyD rejects the motion that created a grant to help long-term unemployed and pensioners to pay the IBI" (07/07/2012)
    The motion proposed eliminating some expenses to cover grant protocol
  • The House gives final approval to the reopening of the bars on the curve (06/07/2012)

  • Yllana proposed in San Javier a fun adventure through the jungle with his "Zoo" (05/07/2012)

  • DPi on the status of the vines of the esplanade of Lo Pagán (04/07/2012)

  • San Javier renews its image on the internet with a website more accessible and responsive to the citizen (04/07/2012)
    The new City Council website pages and blogs integrates the various councils, expands and updates the contents and services and provides local information Updated
  • The Summer School begins with children 3 to 12 years in schools and Maspalomas Villa Joy (04/07/2012)

  • The ninth meeting of carriages Villa de San Pedro unites fans across the Region hitch (01/07/2012)


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